What is EBCD?

The Enhanced Breast Cancer Detection program leverages artificial intelligence (AI) technology and a rigorous clinical review process to enhance areas of concern in screening mammography. A board-certified radiologist is responsible for each step in the screening process. The radiologist reports the final results of the patient’s exam.

Steps of EBCD process
Steps of EBCD process


EBCD is like having multiple sets of eyes on the mammogram: the initial radiologist, the FDA-cleared AI, and an additional breast-specialty radiologist. EBCD delivers an added level of confidence in the results of the exam.

This protocol has been shown to find 17% more cancers, and it can also help lower recall rates.


EBCD at-a-glance: Results

The EBCD program was implemented in January 2023 and has delivered clear results.

ebcd results at-a-glance
ebcd results at-a-glance

What do the experts say?

EBCD’s AI technology helps the radiologist to detect areas of suspicion that may not be immediately visible to the naked eye. The radiologist factors that information into the interpretation of the exam. EBCD does not replace the radiologist.

Jason McKellop, M.D.

Jason McKellop, M.D.

Medical Director, Breastlink Women's Imaging

“The closest we can come to a cure is early detection. EBCD delivers that extra layer of scrutiny, which is very beneficial for those at risk of more aggressive cancers."

Janet Storella, M.D.

Janet Storella, M.D.

Medical Director, Women’s Imaging, Community Radiology Associates

”EBCD makes me so much more accurate, both in finding early cancers and avoiding false alarms. It’s the most effective quality assurance tool I have seen in my 30-year career.“

Greg Sorenson, M.D.

Greg Sorenson, M.D.

Board-certified neuroradiologist CEO & Co-Founder, DeepHealth

“EBCD is like having multiple sets of eyes on the mammogram: the initial radiologist, the FDAcleared AI, and an additional breast-specialty radiologist.”

These physicians are employed by RadNet or contracted to provide professional services in a RadNet facility.

Dr. Linda Greer 

EBCD with Dr. Linda Greer

Dr. Esmaili 

EBCD with Dr. Ali Esmaili

Dr. Jason McKellop 

EBCD with Dr. Dr. Jason McKellop

EBCD at RadNet Imaging Centers 

EBCD: See the Difference


Patient Testimonials


Teresa's Story: How EBCD Helped Detect Breast Cancer Early 

Teresa's Story: How EBCD Helped Detect Breast Cancer Early

EBCD and Early Detection: A Breast Cancer Survivor’s Story 

EBCD and Early Detection: A Breast Cancer Survivor’s Story


Schedule an appointment now at an imaging center that offers EBCD.