enhanced breast cancer detection

Expert Review + Breast AI = The Most Advanced Screening


What is ebcd?

ebcd combines artificial intelligence (AI) technology with a rigorous clinical review process to deliver greater accuracy in breast care.

The AI helps radiologists detect subtle lesions in your mammogram during the review process.

A physician’s referral is not required for ebcd. It’s simple: improved detection increases the chance of improved outcomes.



The five-year survival rate when breast cancer is detected in stage 1.* National guidelines encourage women to start annual mammography screening at age 40.


How does ebcd help?


Why should I choose ebcd?

One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. It is crucial to detect the disease early, when treatment options are most optimal.

1-in-8 women

ebcd uses artificial intelligence along with a rigorous clinical review protocol to deliver a more accurate mammogram.


No additional radiation or time during the visit is required; women have the same screening experience but state-of-the-art results.

No additional radiation used

Schedule an appointment now at an imaging center that offers ebcd.


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